Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I beat the Bid D.  But just barely. The test is here at Cops and Soldiers.

I don't want to give away the clues, so maybe I will tell some of them in the comments latter.  But it is not easy.  I suspect most people who are not soldiers, or don't work around the police, will be below 50%.


Mayberry said...

With 9 out of 21, I'd say I "won". I answered soldier for all of them...

Humble wife said...

I took it, but I am married to a retired cop that served six years in the army. Also mom of a soldier...

makes me sick, the acceptance of police state is already here as we are comfortable with coldiers/or sops in our everyday life.


dennis said...

10 out of 21 Cops serving warrants on past due child support and protecting the american way of life from the evils of raw milk. I wonder if we will ever get the real story about the vet that shot five cops that busted into his home in Utah. We had a similar incident where a cop and criminal got killed on a midnight raid. Everybody who knew the criminal said he was just an old pot head. Never bothered anyone.

russell1200 said...

Craig, LOL one of your "soldiers" was wearing a badge. He otherwise was looking a lot like a soldier.

There are a few giveaways. Generally cops have lots of military looking vehicles, but they are generally of a lighter build. They also don't carry around full support weapons.

I was painting some little 20mm miniature SWAT Team people, and some modern US military recently so I had to look at the details of the color schemes.

Color wise, the cops like black, and their helmets for some reason are not camaflaged. They like to look like Nazi SS military units apparently. They tend not to wear green or tan cammo. They tend to be older. They will occassionaly mix in civilian garb that they find comfortable (like blue gloves).

russell1200 said...

Humble wife. I would think that it was the mom of soldier that helps most. Both the military and police patterns have changed a lot in the last decade.

But in general, the militarization of the police is pretty amazing. I think the TV show Cops, with all its door busting, popularized the concept.