Thursday, April 11, 2013

Pandemic planning

I got an email advertising an audio conference on the subject of business planning for influenza pandemic:

Pandemic Planning for Financial Institutions, 20 February, 2013
Host: Edward J. DeMarco, Director Operational Risk
Every organization needs a comprehensive crisis management plan as a component of its business continuity plan (BCP). Learn the distinctive characteristics associated with crisis management planning and organizational responses to an influenza pandemic.
Influenza pandemic planning poses unique challenges to the financial industry, requiring a critical need to include a pandemic-specific focus in business continuity planning efforts. This audio conference discusses the particular issues faced by the financial industry, and provides insights and elements that will support better planning and scenario building.
In an influenza pandemic, it will be people rather than infrastructure that will become unavailable, and it is the financial firms, with multiple offices and highly centralized support functions, which will be the most at risk.
The audio conference will walk you though possible scenarios, and will provide you with a crisis management response-planning framework. Prior to the audio conference you will receive a Crisis Management Operational Risk Control Self-Assessment, which will permit you to assess your organization's ability to respond to an influenza pandemic.
You will:
  • Gain an overview of crisis management and potential impact.
  • Learn the phases of an Influenza pandemic.
  • Establish communication plans and infrastructure dependency plans.
  • Understand the benefits of cross-training employees.
  • Establish telecommuting plans.
Of course at the time of year of the conference, it probably was a good idea that it is an audio conference, since we don't want to be passing around to many viruses.

For individuals, pandemic situations are very difficult to deal with because most of us still need to pay bills, and cannot afford the extended periods of time that these incidents can last.  You won't go broke if you keep your kids out of school for two months - though you might go crazy - but, most people will have a hard time keeping their job, unless they can telecommute, or fake a maternity leave.


The Angry Lurker said...

We had a plan like this for our pharmaceutical company including vaccines.

PioneerPreppy said...

Back when I was working my factory job I figured when it started to spread I would just quit. That was my plan. Of course the place I worked thought of us at best as robots, they didn't care unless it effected their numbers.

I am lucky though I can afford to quit my job and still survive. I am not rich but with no bills to speak of I can keep going for years off my alternate sources of income if needs be so isolation in the face of a pandemic is an option.

Except my wife. I swear she will keep going to work even if bodies are falling on either side of the road on her trip there.

russell1200 said...

Francis: I saw where England had recent outbreak of a once common desease (measles), so I take it that you get vaccine resistors there as well.

Pioneer: I miss your factory floor stories. They were like the Dilbert of for the blue collar set. I seem to get all the oddball flues that go around, and my family as well. There just seems no point in me worrying about that one: we would be toast.