Sunday, April 21, 2013

April 2013 Round of reviews

I say April 2013, but it with eleven titles having at least a rough draft review in existence, a twelfth that I am 75%+ finished reading, and a few others I have started, it may stretch some ways into May. 
The current book review tab is overloaded, so I am going to have to start a second review tab.  The only logic to how the books are placed within the tabs, is the order which I reviewed them in.
There is no overarching theme to this series.  Because we finished a "foreign" (non-British, non-United States) review series last, these wind up all being by British or American authors.  There is a less dystopia in this series and more crash-style apocalypses.  The one obvious exception (McCarthy's) is on some levels grimmer and more apocalyptic than the collapse, or post-collapse stories.
The list is the currently planned order of appearance.  The "blurb" is in most cases cribbed from the front end of the review.

Lexi Revellian's Ice Diaries is post-apocalyptic novel set in a London that has been both depopulated by a pandemic, and frozen under 20 meters of snow.

D. Robert Grixti's Sun Bleached Winter is post-apocalyptic novel set in two-years after the onset of nuclear winter from some sort of unexplained event.

K. H. Koehler's Raiju is a different sort of apocalyptic novel, and is explained by its full title: Raiju: a Kaiju Hunter Novel. Kaiju are the oversized Japanese monsters

Paul Auster's In The Country of Last Things is the story of a slow economic collapse set in an unnamed (possibly New York) city. The collapse is severe, but somewhat localized.

Cormac McCarthy's No Country For Old Men, is a dystopian, apocalyptic themed novel of the contemporary American Southwest

Paylee Robert's Bugging Out to Nowhere, surprising given its name, a rather gradualist apocalypse-in-progress set "somewhere" in the United States. My guess is the Western slope of the Appalachian Mountains in Kentucky.

Stephen Graff's River Dawn a post-apocalyptic novel set a few generations after a generalized collapse caused by global warming.

Thomas Koloniar's Cannibal Reign takes us back to one of the great original doomsday devices: the meteor strike. It's big, it's fast, and it is headed right at us. A couple people find out early, and can plan ahead, but when word leaks out it's just mayhem.

John Varley's Slow Apocalypse is an apocalypse-in-progress featuring an extreme version of peak oil: an oil eating bacteria.

Ryan Henry's Omega Zero is a pandemic apocalypse-in-progress that takes place in the vicinity of Waynesboro, Virginia at the edge of the Appalachian Mountains.

Simon Morden's They Kingdom Come is a series of linked twenty short stories that involve simultaneous apocalypse in progress: nuclear terrorism and fundamentalist dystopian government takeover.

Al Brook's 2030: The Real Story of What Happens to America I am still working on.  There is a general collapse due to our country's over extended debt, and an intergenerational dispute simmering between the younger folks, and the retired (and supported) older folks.

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