Saturday, March 16, 2013

Unexpected Changes

From AskReddit:
Q:  If someone from the 1950s suddenly appeared today, what would be the most difficult thing to explain to them about life today?
A: I possess a device, in my pocket, that is capable of accessing the entirety of information known to man.  I sue it to look at pictures of cats, and get in arguments with strangers.


PioneerPreppy said...

I doubt you would really surprise them with technology. They would be impressed and excited about it but by the 50's everything we have today had already been thought of.

My guess is the dress and social actions would leave them totally speechless.

kymber said...

PioneerP is on to something...i think someone from the 50's would be absolutely horrified by modern music (and not just rap) and the fact that we let children play this music, watch music videos and that we let children dress like Rihanna. who am i kidding? i was born in the 70's and i am horrified by the types of lyrics and the antics in the videos. horrified!

your friend,

PioneerPreppy said...

I remember reading about the family in Siberia that wandered off into the woods alone and lived there for like decades with no contact. I believe only the last daughter is left but she has others from her religious sect come and live with her or something. Anyway not important except the old man who took his family out there before WWI if I remember right would see the lights in the skies and knew the humans they had left behind were up to something.

If airplanes and the like didn't surprise that guy no gadget is going to surprise someone from 1950.

But I bet see some chick's ass hanging out in public sure will.

russell1200 said...

Pioneer and Kymber: The point is not that we have all the knowledge of the world in our pockets, but that we use it to look at pictures of cats! It is not the technology that would surprise them, but what little purpose it is put to.

Dress and social issues may or may not stun them. North American social codes have cycled in and out a lot since the early 20th century. Mae West was asking about pickles (or pistols) in pockets in 1933.

kymber said...

Russell - i totally got that point. imagine - we have such technology in our "pockets" and we use it to look at cats. but heck - that grumpy cat guy is pretty funny, i gotta admit it - bahahahahaha!

i love these kinds of posts of yours but then i think i say that a lot, eh?

your friend,

russell1200 said...

Kymber- The Ancient Egyptians worshipped cats. So they at least would approve.