Friday, September 20, 2013

More on water woes

I was attracted to the headline in this one.  The author makes a number of good points, but I think some of his bullet points were particularly interesting.

Peak Water in the American West
Peter Gleick, Science News, 19 August 2013 (hat tip: NC)
  • In January 2012, the Texas town of Spicewood Beach ran out of water. Then Magdalena, New Mexico ran out. More recently, Barnhart, Texas. Now Texas publishes a list of towns either out or running out of freshwater. In some parts of Texas, demands for water for fracking are now competing directly with municipal demands.
  • Because of a severe, multi-year drought (described as “the worst 14-year drought period in the last hundred years”) and excessive water demands, the US Bureau of Reclamation, this week, announced it will cut water released from Lake Powell on the Colorado River to the lowest level since the massive reservoir was filled in the 1960s. Water levels in Lake Mead have already dropped more than 100 feet since the current drought began in 2000, but even in an average year, there is simply more demand than supply.
  • Las Vegas is so desperate for new supplies they have proposed a series of massive and controversial ideas, including: a $15+ billion pipeline to tap into groundwater aquifers in other parts of the state, diverting the Missouri River to the west, and building desalination plants in Southern California or Mexico so they can take a bigger share of the Colorado.
  • Governor Jerry Brown is pushing a $25+ billion water tunnel project to try to improve water quality and reliability for southern California farmers and cities and improve the deteriorating ecosystems of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, with no guarantees that it will do any of those things at a price users are willing and able to pay.
  • San Luis Reservoir in California, which serves the Silicon Valley and other urban users, has fallen to 17 percent because of severe drought, making business, communities, and water managers nervous. Other major California reservoirs are also far below average, though massive deliveries of water continue on the assumption that next year will be wet...
  • In the Lower Tule Irrigation District in California, demand for water has grown over the past two decades from 250,000 AF/year to 450,000 AF/year, much of it supplied by overpumping groundwater. In parts of the district, the average depth to groundwater in 1983 was 50 feet. In 2003, groundwater levels had declined to 75 feet. Today it is 125 feet, and some wells 300 feet deep are going dry. In April 2013, John Roeloffs, a farmer and member of the Lower Tule Irrigation District Board, noted “Some guys are drilling wells 800 feet deep.”
  • There is more and more and more evidence of declining snowpack in the western US as the climate warms.
Note that, as with the dwindling supply of easy to find oil, there are at least temporary solutions at hand.  It's just not clear if we can afford the cost.  And a lot of these issues are not new.  For instance Worcster's River of Empire, which he notes as one of the interesting books on the subject, is about California water problems:  it was updated in 2001.


James M Dakin said...

Vegas, home of every idiot in Nevada and quite a few from California, has decided to replace dwindling tourist revenue with indoor agriculture. More water, all to grow specialty items for fancy eateries. Crap like garnishes. And don't get me started on golf courses in the desert and old bastards watering lawns and wahing Caddies in the desert. I simply swoon with embarrassment for the human race.

russell1200 said...

James: Very true. And they are not alone in their foolishness.

PioneerPreppy said...

The day they try and divert my river is the day I begin sabotage guerrilla action.

russell1200 said...

Pioneer: It would be one in a long line of water wars.